

It’s not a Problem, it’s a Project! by Anonymous Enthusiast  


Driven Motorwerks strives to provide Hong Kong Classic Car Enthusiasts with a turnkey solution to enjoy classic vehicles to the fullest. Owners can count on us for trusted services in key categories: mechanical, electrical, rust/bodywork, custom retrofits, upholstery, and paintwork.


With the business models of today’s car manufactures, electronic gizmos, and advanced “comforts”; modern cars lack character and seldom capture our imagination in the same way vintage predecessors do. Our goal at Driven Motorwerks is to preserve the machines; the history and heritage, the memories of good times passed, and to ensure future generations continue to enjoy the glory of these nostalgic time capsules. 
現代汽車的電子零件氾濫令汽車缺乏古董車的駕駛特性和想像力。我們的目標是去保存這些珍貴的歷史遺產 令每一刻的記憶歷久如新而下一代也能夠享受到汽車的精髓。

Our Team | 我們的團隊
Our Lead Engineer; Sifu Hung has decades of experience in classic car restoration. Background research and spec data acquisition for each model/project are managed by bilingual team members. Specialist Workshop & Facilities allow the team to carry out key restoration werks ...
服務範圍 | Facilities
Restoration and custom work requires ample space, and a wide range of equipment. We are proud of our 8,000sq ft workshop, fully equipped with multiple lift types and feature dedicated space for in house fabrication machining, welding, professional paint booth, and full ...